Tina Boyer, Ph. D.

Associate Professor and Department Chair
Greene 330
Email: boyertm@wfu.edu
Tina Boyer received her BA and MA at the University of New Mexico and her Ph.D. in medieval German Literature and Linguistics at UC Davis.
Her publications include The Giant Hero in Medieval Literature (Brill, 2016), articles on monstrous identity in bridal quest epics, anti-Semitism, and the intersection of medieval literature and the internet.
She has contributed chapters in Heads Will Roll: Decapitation in the Medieval and Early Modern Imagination (Brill, 2012) and the two volumes of American/Medieval (Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2016/2019).
Her specialty is medieval German literature, second language acquisition, and technology in the classroom.
Other research interests include historical linguistics, folklore, fairy tales, and monsters (not Bigfoot).